Coherence Therapy

The art & science of lasting change

Coherence Therapy
Training & Certification Program
Training sessions via online video allow participation from

almost any location worldwide, and tuition fees are pay-as-you-go.

Enroll in Individual Practicum, Introductory Dyad Practicum, or

Dyad Practicum to hone your skills or to begin the process

of becoming a Certified Coherence Therapist.

Training is available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish.


For coaches:  Our Coherence Coaching training program consists of all of the same training formats and certification requirements as in our Coherence Therapy training program, with the focus and nature of the training work adjusted to meet the needs of the coaching profession. Simply indicate "coach" on the signup form when registering.

Learn about Individual Practicum
Learn about Introductory Dyad Practicum
Learn about Dyad Practicum
Learn about Assessments of Recorded Sessions
Learn about Certification
Visit the FAQ page



Work one-on-one with a Certified Trainer to develop your knowledge and skills in Coherence Therapy. All trainees who are relatively new to Coherence Therapy begin with either Individual Practicum or Introductory Dyad Practicum.

One unit of Individual Practicum consists of four 1-hour sessions online with a Certified Trainer and can be credited toward Certification or taken as a stand-alone training experience.

Your sessions with a Certified Trainer will build your proficiency through a fully personalized program. A focus on applying Coherence Therapy methods and concepts effectively with your current clients keeps the training process highly relevant for you and well tuned to your learning needs. We meet you where you are and build your Coherence Therapy proficiency from there.

The prerequisite for participating in Individual Practicum is a studied familiarity with Coherence Therapy methodology through having read either the Practice Manual, the book Depth Oriented Brief Therapy (that was the name of Coherence Therapy before 2005), or a minimum of chapters 3 and 4 in Unlocking the Emotional Brain.

Enroll now in Individual Practicum»

You can schedule a single Individual Training Session if the four-session Practicum doesn't fit your needs or schedule. For more information, click here.

Intended as an entry-level training experience, Introductory Dyad Practicum (IDP) consists of two 90-minute sessions in which two trainees are coached by a Certified Trainer in doing Coherence Therapy sessions with each other via Zoom. Each trainee is therapist once and client once.


In addition to being a stand-alone form of introductory-level training, IDP can also be the second portion of the training that earns a Level 1 training certificate (see below for descriptions of certification levels), where the first portion consists of completing our online 6-hour Coherence Therapy and Memory Reconsolidation workshop webinar.  We strongly recommend completing the 6-hour webinar before your first IDP because that will greatly enhance your IDP learning experience.


Enroll now in Introductory Dyad Practicum»

Develop your Coherence Therapy skills by doing live practice sessions coached by a Certified Trainer. The workings of Coherence Therapy are never clearer than when experienced directly both as therapist delivering it and as client receiving it.
For these 90-minute sessions, two trainees and trainer meet online via Zoom. Under the trainer's close coaching, trainees conduct real sessions with each other. Discussion and debriefing after each practice session further consolidate what you have learned. This format has been highly effective in Coherence Therapy training for many years.
Participation is only for mental health professionals or clinical graduate students who are familiar with the whole methodology of Coherence Therapy through reading the Coherence Therapy Practice Manual, or Unlocking the Emotional Brain, or Depth Oriented Brief Therapy, and through having at least several months experience using Coherence Therapy with clients. Dyad Practicum is not an introductory learning experience.

One unit of Dyad Practicum consists of four sessions and can be credited toward Certification or taken as a stand-alone training experience.


Enroll now in Dyad Practicum»

Your video or audio recording of a session (or clips from multiple sessions) totaling at most 50 minutes, submitted electronically as a media file, and accompanied by a complete transcript text file, is studied by a Certified Trainer who provides detailed feedback in a 50-minute discussion session on your strengths and areas for growth from a Coherence Therapy perspective.  Written feedback is also provided.


An ARS may be undertaken by a trainee at any point in their training simply to advance their skills, or, if all other minimum training requirements for Level 2 certification have already been met (see below), a full-session ARS that then strongly confirms the trainee's proficiencies can result in immediate Level 2 certification.


Request Assessment of Recorded Session»

CPI issues certificates recognizing three levels of training and capability in Coherence Therapy:
Level 1 designates the individual as a "Beginner Practitioner of Coherence Therapy (Level 1: Introductory Training)".  A Level 1 certificate is earned by either
(a) physically attending and completing a two-day Coherence Therapy introductory workshop consisting of a day of presentation and a day of structured practice exercises in small groups, or
(b) completing our online 6-hour Coherence Therapy and Memory Reconsolidation workshop webinar, submitting proof of completion to CPI (in the form of either the CE certificate from this workshop or passing our 35-question quiz), and completing the 3-hour Introductory Dyad Practicum described above.

This is a foundational training and a Level 1 certificate does not mean "certified practitioner."

To request your Level 1 certificate when you have completed either way of fulfilling the requirements, please go to the Level 1 certificate request page.
Level 2 designates the individual as a "Certified Practitioner of Coherence Therapy (Level 2 Certification)" and is earned by demonstrating a consistent ability to carry out the main phases of Coherence Therapy methodology effectively, as confirmed by CPI trainers through direct observation.
Level 3 designates the individual as a "Certified Advanced Practitioner of Coherence Therapy (Level 3 Certification)" and is earned by the trainee demonstrating a high level of consistency in applying Coherence Therapy to produce transformational change.
Level 2 and 3 certification are awarded as soon as is warranted by the trainee's demonstrated proficiency.  Across trainees, the number of training units for arriving at Level 2 and 3 certification varies widely.  It is not a matter of completing a pre-defined set of trainings.  Therefore, the amount of time and the cost of acquiring Level 2 or 3 certification cannot be predicted.

There is a minimum set of training units required before a trainee may apply to be reviewed for Level 2 or Level 3 Certification:

        - Two units of Dyad Practicum

        - One Assessment of a Recorded Session

PLEASE NOTE: Completing those minimum requirements does not automatically result in certification.  For most trainees, significantly more training units than this minimum are needed to reach proficiency in all required areas, as described above.
As a rule, before applying for certification, a trainee must have worked with at least two trainers to complete Dyad Practica, Individual Practica, or Assessment of a Recorded Session.  CPI may choose to waive formal certification requirements in individual cases at any level of the certification process where proficiency has been observed and confirmed in other ways.

To apply for a certification review, click here.

As an international training organization, we are committed to ensuring that our trainings are carried out in a manner in which all trainees are treated with respect and dignity and experience the training process as sensitive, safe, and respectful.  Our trainees include—among others—individuals of diverse ability, age, belief, culture, ethnicity, familial status, gender identity, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status.  We strive to ensure that all individuals feel valued, respected and encouraged to fully participate in their learning.  We recognize that the possibility of unwitting blind spots and missteps on our part or the part of a trainee is never zero.  However, we will not tolerate discrimination, harassment or bullying of any kind.  Therefore, we actively welcome feedback and communication from our trainees if any such misstep is ever perceived, so that any needed process of repair can occur.  For that purpose, please send an email to the CPI director of training, Robin Ticic, or to either of the CPI co-directors, Dr. Sara K. Bridges or Bruce Ecker.
