Coherence Therapy

The art & science of lasting change



The Clinical Notes series provides intermediate and advanced practitioners of Coherence Therapy with succinct guidance on selected, practical aspects of carrying out the methodology. The series makes available training materials not published elsewhere (except as noted).





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Note 1. How to maintain continual pro-symptom focus

Provides a detailed, step-by-step procedure for staying on the Coherence Therapy "track" for entire sessions. Addresses the therapist's inner process as well as the outer, therapist-client process, with examples and diagrams.

Note 1 . . . US$15

Note 2. Therapist's cue card

An index card cut-out that lists the most important reminders for carrying out Coherence Therapy throughout a session, including key elements of methodology, lists of techniques, and a succinct summary of the steps in Note 1 for maintaining pro-symptom focus.  

Note 2 . . . US$4

Note 3. Verbalization of emotional truths

During the retrieval of unconscious emotional themes, how they are verbalized can help or hinder the process depending on the style of phrasing used. This Note provides a guide to the type of phrasing that deepens and augments the retrieval work. Examples contrast effective and ineffective phrasing.  

Note 3 . . . US$8

Note 4. Coherence Therapy for low self-worth:

               How to orient the client

This Note includes a description of all 14 types of pro-symptom position requiring low self-worth.  For success in dispelling low self-worth, the therapist must guide the client's conscious views to align with the discovered pro-symptom position(s), so that integration will occur.  This Note describes exactly how to do this, spelling out what to tell the client and when to do so.

Note 4 . . . US$15

Note 5. Functional & Functionless Symptoms

               in Coherence Therapy

Therapists new to Coherence Therapy sometimes understand it as being a function-of-the-symptom model.  Actually, its central principle of symptom coherence encompasses both symptoms that have a function as well as functionless symptoms, which are coherent even though functionless.  This Clinical Note maps out these different modes of symptom coherence.  Familiarity with these variations enables a therapist to quickly understand the material emerging during the discovery phase of Coherence Therapy.

Note 5 . . . US$7.50

Note 6. Overview of Coherence Therapy and

               Its Use Of Memory Reconsolidation

A solid introduction to Coherence Therapy's methodology and conceptual framework, including its built-in use of memory reconsolidation for achieving permanent, transformational change.  A case example illustrates the concepts and methodology.
(PLEASE NOTE:  This is the same Overview as is included since November 2016 in each viewer's manual in the Coherence Therapy Video Demonstration and Training Series.)

Note 6 . . . US$9.50

Note 7. Guidelines for Creating Juxtaposition Experiences

This Clinical Note provides a thorough map for carrying out the final phase of Coherence Therapy, the transformation phase.  In this phase, the client's symptom-generating emotional learning or schema is profoundly unlearned and dissolved by juxtaposition experiences that induce the memory reconsolidation process.  A key task facing the therapist is guiding the client to find and experience contrary knowledge that will be used in the juxtaposition to disconfirm, unlearn and nullify the knowings in the target schema.  The various possible sources of that contrary knowing are mapped out in this Note, along with techniques for utilizing them.  The Note ends with a list of published case examples illustrating each of the sources of contrary knowledge.  If you have been waiting for the Manual of Juxtaposition Experiences, this is its initial incarnation in highly condensed form, to be filled out later with numerous case examples to create that manual.
(PLEASE NOTE:  As of late December 2016, the material in Note 7 is included in the Coherence Therapy Practice Manual.)

Note 7 . . . US$15