Coherence Therapy

The art & science of lasting change

Introduction to Coherence Therapy

Online  Short  Courses


These short online trainings provide a concentrated experience for learning key aspects of Coherence Therapy. Each course includes session video segments and interactive training exercises. You will learn a unified set of methods for...
   __swiftly and accurately finding the active roots of your clients' symptoms
   __custom-tailoring potent experiences that transform symptoms and synapses
   __honoring the depth and complexity of each person's unique material


Each course consists of a series of online pages that are available to you for online viewing through your web browser, at your convenience at any time.



After placing your order, you will soon receive an email with link and login for viewing the online course.  Keep that email, and then immediately bookmark the course's first screen in your browser for easy access later.  The course is viewed online, not downloaded to your computer.


You agree to the following terms of use by clicking below to enroll in an online course:
•  I agree to be the sole viewer of all video and/or audio recordings presented.
•  I agree not to copy or transfer electronic copies of videos, audios or any other course material in any form, from my computer to any other device.
•  I agree to use the presented videos and/or audios solely for purposes of my training and education as a mental health practitioner.




Discovering & Verbalizing Unconscious Emotional Truth:

Client with Anxious Self-Suppression


The first several minutes of a first session are shown in a two-part, online video. Therapist Bruce Ecker, LMFT demonstrates the first phase of Coherence Therapy, the creation of discovery experiences that bring to awareness layer after layer underlying the presenting symptom, which in this case is a pervasive, anxious self-suppression. In minutes the client arrives at core, lifelong material and lucidly experiences both the coherent necessity of having the symptom and her own agency in having it. Full transcript with numerous commentaries accompanies the video, as well as an interactive learning exercise.

Tuition fee for Course 100:  US$19.50
To enroll in Course 100 and pay tuition online by credit card:



Transformation of Core Emotional Schemas:

Client with Obsessive Attachment to Former Lover


A series of video segments spanning ten sessions shows the full methodology of Coherence Therapy. A female client describes two years of painful, obsessive attachment to a former lover. At the tenth session she reports a full release from this symptom. The videos are accompanied by a complete transcript with numerous commentaries and an interactive learning exercise. The therapist is Bruce Ecker, LMFT, co-originator of Coherence Therapy. This course demonstrates how specialized, experiential methods enable the client to retrieve and then transform unconscious, symptom-requiring emotional learnings and schemas, which are carried in subcortical, implicit memory. Working with client resistance is also shown. The naturalness of symptom cessation and the expansion of well-being that characterize Coherence Therapy are fully apparent.

Tuition fee for Course 700: US$33.00
To enroll in Course 700 and pay tuition online by credit card:

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