Coherence Therapy

The art & science of lasting change

A thorough guide to working with individuals, couples and families to create lasting, in-depth change in far fewer sessions than is widely assumed necessary.

"This is a brilliant, break- through book... Accessible, nonpathologizing language, sophisticated yet profoundly simple theory, and powerful therapeutic process combine to make this work of the highest significance. I have rarely been this impressed."
--Stephen M. Johnson, PhD,
author of Characterological Transformation, Character Styles, and other titles
"A challenging, precise, and exciting approach... Ecker and Hulley combine a thoughtful attention to the unconscious with a commit- ment to making every session count. Gutsy, convincing and powerful!" 
--David B. Waters, PhD Professor of Family Practice & Psychiatry, University of Virginia, author of Competence, Courage and Change

DOBT book cover


ISBN 0-7879-0152-0, 288 pages

"Recommended reading... This book offers creative examples of how construct- ivism can be applied in clinical practice."
--Michael J. Mahoney, PhD Professor of Psychology, University of N. Texas, author of Human Change Processes
"Instant appeal... The high- set praise I can give is to say that since reading this book, I have been systematically incorporating many DOBT ideas into my own work."
--Reviewed in Contemporary Psychology by Hanna Levenson, PhD author of Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy
"Here is a boon to pro- viders in managed care who are struggling with issues of efficacy and efficiency in patient care.... Broad selection of case studies demonstrating specific techniques."
--Reviewed in Readings by Arlene Hickory, MSW, RN
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A clear and complete methodology and conceptual framework for producing lasting change beyond symptom relief A compendium of many specific techniques How to work time-effectively with clients whose presenting symptoms are driven by unresolved, lifelong emotional wounds Abundant case examples

Best psychotherapy book ever read
Reviewer: from Philadelphia, PA area
"This is a true, full-bodied integration of constructivist cognitive work with experiential work for the practicing psychotherapist. In short, this work takes the meat from all the modern innovations in theory and practice of psychotherapy. In my opinion, the book should have been entitled "constructivist-experiential psychotherapy," as the "brief" part of the title is irrelevant to the model (except in that good and effective psychotherapy should be oriented to relieve the suffering of clients as quickly as possible); and the term "depth" brings to the theoretically sophisticated mind a brand of psychodynamic therapy, which this model is not. But it is deep in another fashion: the transcripts in this book demonstrate very powerful therapy experiences. This book is for the practicing therapist and is not essentially a theoretical tract, but in my mind, the criticism of the constructivist-narrative model as being too cognitive/linguistically based -- and the authors' supplementation of that model with one that emphasizes non-linguistic, experiental (including soma/kinesthetic, emotional, sensory, and other) elements of problem construction -- is a major innovation that allows for a huge advance in understanding and practice of therapy. The transcripts are technically clear and are excellent exemplars of what the authors are attempting to present; they are also deeply moving. Furthermore, one of the great strengths of the book is the great clarity of its organization and of the writing. I am a committed therapist of 25 years with a wide knowledge and experience of different forms and models of therapy. I am considering whether or not this is the best book of psychotherapy that I have ever read, an attribution that I, for one, do not take lightly."

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