Coherence Therapy

The art & science of lasting change

Coherence Therapy and Memory Reconsolidation

Online streaming allows viewing on any computer or mobile device
For self-study, graduate classroom or clinical staff skill-building

The videos in this series show actual therapy sessions—
not reenactments—by Coherence Therapy co-originator
Bruce Ecker,

Scroll down for descriptions of…

The Black Hole of Nonexistence
Dispelling Complex Attachment Trauma with Memory Reconsolidation
in Coherence Therapy

Compulsive Underachieving
A Stump With Humble Roots, A Mother's Terms of Attachment

Down Every Year
The Long Reach of a Boy's Meaning-Making

Always Ten Minutes Late
Procrastination As a Portal Into Insecure Attachment

Stuck in Depression
A Disabling Bereavement


You can view each video with or without Bruce Ecker's voiceover commentaries, which map out the unfolding steps of the process and explain how he is listening, thinking, and choosing what to do next.

Each video, with its accompanying Viewer's Manual, is a self-contained course in Coherence Therapy that delivers an abundance of instructional value.  The therapeutic potency and impact of each session is unmistakable.

Numerous concepts, methods and skills of highly effective in-depth therapy are explained and demonstrated, including the facilitation of memory reconsolidation, the brain's innate process for fundamentally nullifying emotional learnings, producing transformational change.

In the Viewer's Manual you have:

•  Transcript with inserted commentaries (see image below—the same commentaries as in the video voiceover)
•  A clear introductory overview of Coherence Therapy and memory reconsolidation that prepares clinicians who are new to this approach for understanding and gaining richly from the work shown in the video
•  A review of the implicit, non-conscious schemas (emotional learnings) that the session revealed to be generating the problem
•  A page index of techniques used
•  A list of learning resources with live links, including several that instantly download key articles at no cost.
Sample pages of DVD Viewer's Manual

If you are already utilizing Coherence Therapy, these videos will sharpen your listening, your skills, and your conceptual clarity.  If you are new to this approach, these video demonstrations will show you the extremely high level of therapeutic effectiveness that is possible to deliver in most every session, and what it means for psychotherapy to utilize memory reconsolidation.


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The Black Hole of Nonexistence
Dispelling Complex Attachment Trauma
with Memory Reconsolidation in Coherence Therapy
Two+ sessions, 49 minutes (1 hour 40 minutes with voiceover commentaries)
Therapist:  Bruce Ecker, LMFT
Covering key segments across two sessions, follow-up to 11 months, and onscreen graphics that map out the transformation process visually, this is our top-tier video demonstration of the Therapeutic Reconsolidation Process in action in Coherence Therapy.
The client is a woman who identifies a lifelong, ongoing "terror" as the problem.  Intense somatic symptoms also become apparent as the discovery phase reveals the underlying emotional learnings driving these symptoms and a childhood of severe attachment trauma.
The transformation phase of Coherence Therapy is exceptionally clear and moving as those ingrained learnings encounter a potent disconfirmation, nullifying them.  Follow-up shows the lasting absence of the terror, the somatic symptoms, and the traumatized ego-state that had been retriggered frequently for decades.
You'll see that traumatic memory consists of not only original events and extreme sensations and feelings, but also the mental models that were formed in those ordeals and that often prove to be the root and driver of ongoing symptoms.


[VIDEO 497E]
Compulsive Underachieving
A Stump With Humble Roots,
A Mother's Terms of Attachment
One session, 53 minutes (1 hour 22 minutes with voiceover commentaries)
Therapist:  Bruce Ecker, LMFT
A woman is troubled and baffled that she keeps letting important opportunities for success pass by.  Will her whole life be stunted in this way?  The discovery work meets sizable resistance in this workshop demonstration session, creating a close look at how resistance is worked with in Coherence Therapy by openly accepting it and making it safe for the resistance to reveal what it's protecting and what's at stake.
With resistance dissolved, the client's unconscious priorities emerge powerfully, with liberating results.  As she contacts and feels what's dangerous about not staying small, the emotion visible in her face is unforgettable.  Very specific contours of high-anxiety insecure attachment become crystal clear.
This session illustrates the way transformational change develops in about half of all Coherence Therapy cases: When the client becomes aware, for the first time, of exactly how and why the symptom is necessary to have according to potent emotional learnings, those learnings can spontaneously juxtapose with other vivid knowledge that profoundly disconfirms them, and they wither and dissolve.  So does the symptom itself, as the client's remarkable follow-up report spells out four months later.


[VIDEO 1097SP]
Down Every Year
The Long Reach of a Boy's Meaning-Making
One session, 45 minutes (1 hour 8 minutes with voiceover commentaries)
Therapist:  Bruce Ecker, LMFT
A man describes the annual depression that has mystified him for decades, the feeling of being an imposter, and his impatient, angry tone with coworkers.  Then the discovery phase of Coherence Therapy begins, a movement from the symptom down along linkages into the underlying emotional learnings driving it.  The process of discovering this man's unconscious emotional truths demonstrates a variety of simple but highly effective techniques.
The mystery lifts as pivotal childhood events thirty years prior come to the fore and are deeply revisited.  What's revealed are the dire meanings he made of those experiences and has carried ever since, outside of awareness—meanings that mire him in hopeless despair, especially at a particular time of year, and keep him lodged in feeling himself fundamentally inadequate.
Guided into recognizing, naming and feeling his dire core beliefs for the first time in his life, spontaneously a contrary knowing emerges, creating a juxtaposition experience that unlocks the grip that his ten-year-old meaning-making has had on his life ever since.  Five months after the session, he reports the falling away of his symptoms and a transformed relationship with his parents.


Always Ten Minutes Late
Procrastination As a Portal Into Insecure Attachment
One session, 39 minutes (1 hour 14 minutes with voiceover commentaries)
Therapist:  Bruce Ecker, LMFT
The discovery phase of Coherence Therapy is featured in this workshop demonstration session.  When the client says she is "always ten minutes late," that is the point of departure for finding the implicit emotional learnings requiring that compulsive behavior.
By following the coherence trail, the discovery work goes into the core of the insecure attachment and emotional wounds she endured in her family in childhood.  The client, recognizing for the first time not just one but several ways in which being ten minutes late has passionate emotional meaning for her, calls the session "a breakthrough."  The session has shifted her from being puzzled about a seemingly bad habit with a mysterious life of its own, into experiencing her own agency and purpose in implementing her solution to core problems in her life.
You'll see how much core, symptom-generating material can be richly accessed in one session, without any hurry whatsoever, by following the coherence of the symptom—in other words, by focusing the discovery work entirely on eliciting how the symptom is emotionally necessary to have.


[VIDEO 1096T]
Stuck in Depression
A Disabling Bereavement
One session, 40 minutes (1 hour 7 minutes with voiceover commentaries)
Therapist:  Bruce Ecker, LMFT
Eight years after the death of her 5-year-old boy, a mother of three remains stuck in depression, pain and guilt.  This video shows the discovery phase of Coherence Therapy encountering significant resistance repeatedly, until the protective purpose of that resistance is accommodated.  Then the unconscious emotional truths come into awareness, revealing how her emotional debilitation has been necessary for avoiding other specific sufferings that would be, for her, even worse.
The session provides a striking demonstration of symptom coherence by bringing to light the client's purpose and agency underlying symptoms that would be regarded by many therapists as an entirely maladaptive and dysfunctional state of emotional dysregulation.  The necessity of working experientially is particularly apparent.  The session illustrates the use of several different experiential processes.
Very soon after the client becomes aware of what she is protecting herself from by remaining depressed, a juxtaposition experience develops, and markers of transformational change then emerge: distinct somatic sensations of heaviness disappear and the array of responsibilities awaiting her no longer feels overwhelming.



Who may license and view:  These videos may be licensed and viewed ONLY by
(a) professional providers of mental health and psychological wellness services and
(b) students in training for becoming such a professional provider.
By purchasing a license for access to any of these videos, you confirm that you qualify under these terms.  Violation of these terms will result in cancellation of license and access password.
Individual License:  You will receive an email with links and password for viewing the streaming video and the Viewer's Manual in PDF (eBook) form.  Only you may view the video and manual.  You may not share the links and password with any other person.  You may print a paper copy of the Viewer's Manual solely for your own use. 
By purchasing the Individual License, you agree to these terms.  Violation of these terms will result in cancellation of license and password.
Group Licenses:  You will receive an email with links and password for viewing the streaming video and the Viewer's Manual in PDF (eBook) form.  Only your group members may view the video and manual.  You may share the links and password only with those group members, and your communication of the links MUST be accompanied by this statement: "NOTE: Under the license that governs the group use of this video, you may not share or distribute these links or password to any other person.  You may print a paper copy of the Viewer's Manual solely for your own use."
By purchasing a Group License, you agree to these terms.  Violation of Group License terms will result in cancellation of license and password.
Institutional purchases:  Please contact the Coherence Psychology Institute by email for price information.


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The Black Hole of Nonexistence Individual License
Group License A (1 group of 4 or less)
Group License B (1 group of 5 or more)
Group License C (ongoing use with groups)
Compulsive Underachieving Individual License
Group License A (1 group of 4 or less)
Group License B (1 group of 5 or more)
Group License C (ongoing use with groups)
Down Every Year Individual License
Group License A (1 group of 4 or less)
Group License B (1 group of 5 or more)
Group License C (ongoing use with groups)
Always Ten Minutes Late Individual License
Group License A (1 group of 4 or less)
Group License B (1 group of 5 or more)
Group License C (ongoing use with groups)
Stuck in Depression Individual License
Group License A (1 group of 4 or less)
Group License B (1 group of 5 or more)
Group License C (ongoing use with groups)