Coherence Therapy

The art & science of lasting change

Coherence Therapy and Memory Reconsolidation
for licensed mental health professionals and clinical graduate students
Glimpses from the workshop...



Online streaming allows viewing at any time on any device
For self-study, graduate course or clinical staff skill-building
With PowerPoint slide PDF files
6 CEUs available for USA clinicians
To purchase access to this workshop, please scroll down.


The brain is equipped with a core process of profound unlearning that has been identified in memory reconsolidation research by neuroscientists.  In this workshop, Coherence Therapy co-originator Bruce Ecker—

• delineates that core process of memory reconsolidation;
• describes the growing evidence that the specific steps of this process are the
   cause of transformational change occurring in any therapy sessions, such as in
   sessions of AEDP, EFT, EMDR, IFS or IPNB;
• maps out how that core process is the explicit methodology of Coherence Therapy;
• uses videos of Coherence Therapy sessions to show the core process carried out
   through a wide range of experiential techniques, completely and permanently
   ending a wide range of intense symptoms.

In opening the workshop, Ecker says,

“In each case example, we’ll see the same core methodology of transformational change carried out, but using different techniques to do that in each case.  In that way, you will recognize the core process as a fundamental pattern that is distinct from whatever techniques are chosen to carry out that core process—and that understanding will position you to facilitate transformational change more consistently than ever before, whatever methods you use.  …You’re free to use any of the therapy field’s vast array of techniques to do what the brain needs for deep, lasting change of existing patterns.  We do teach a versatile set of techniques that you can add to your repertoire, or you can stick with experiential techniques that you already know.  So this is a very integrative approach, as we’ll see.”

The presentation is vividly illustrated by numerous session videos of deep, intense, emotional work addressing a wide range of clients' symptoms, including depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, complicated grief, compulsive inaction, stage fright, severe complex attachment trauma, and eruptions of suppressed traumatic memory.

Coherence Therapy blends the therapist’s skills of emotional attunement and experiential process with the most advanced neuroscience of profound change—the findings of memory reconsolidation research—to enable therapists to produce transformational change with unprecedented consistency.

This workshop will sharpen your use of your current methods for facilitating transformational change, enlarge your repertoire of techniques, and position you to begin participating in the expansive, inclusive paradigm of the psychotherapy of memory reconsolidation.

Though this workshop is classified as "introductory" because it assumes no prior familiarity with Coherence Therapy, it dives deeply into the roots of symptom production, into the innate process and mechanism of transformational change, and into the therapeutic stance that engages that process effectively.  It is designed to have as much value for experienced clinicians as for clinical graduate students.

Knowledge and skills you will gain from this workshop include:

•  The three major markers that define and confirm transformational change.
•  Memory reconsolidation’s functional definition and neurological mechanisms.
•  The empirically confirmed core process of memory reconsolidation that nullifies
    and “erases” an emotional learning.
•  The therapeutic methodology of Coherence Therapy that embodies that core
    process and keeps therapy focused on it.
•  The difference between the mechanism of incremental, counteractive change that
    reduces symptoms partially and is susceptible to relapse, and the mechanism of
    transformational change that fully eliminates symptoms and is not susceptible to
•  The juxtaposition experience created in Coherence Therapy to fulfill the
    brain’s conditions for unlearning/nullifying/erasing an emotional learning or
    schema through memory reconsolidation.
•  Coherence Therapy’s principle of symptom coherence, illuminating both symptom
    production and symptom elimination in terms of emotional learning and
    unlearning, respectively.
•  The different types of learning and memory that generate the unwanted behaviors
    and states of mind of therapy clients.
•  The structure of symptom-generating emotional schemas or mental models.
•  Eight experiential techniques that bring underlying, implicit emotional learnings
    into direct, subjective awareness, making them a clear target of change.
•  Ten experiential techniques for finding a decisive disconfirmation of a revealed
    emotional learning or schema.


This workshop presentation may be licensed and viewed ONLY by:
(a) professional providers of mental health and psychological wellness services and
(b) graduate students in training for becoming such a professional provider.
By purchasing a license for access to this workshop, you confirm that you qualify under these terms.  Violation of these terms will result in cancellation of license and access password without refund.
Individual License:  You will receive an email with links and your unique password for viewing the streaming videos and PowerPoint slide PDF handouts.  Only you may use the password and view the workshop videos and handouts.  You may print a paper copy of the slides solely for your own use. 
By purchasing the Individual License, you agree to these terms.  Violation of these terms will result in cancellation of license and password without refund.
Group Licenses:  You will receive an email with links and password for viewing the streaming videos and PowerPoint slide PDF handouts.  Only your group members may use the password and view the workshop videos and handouts.  You may share the links and password only with those group members, and your communication of the links MUST be accompanied by this statement: "NOTE: Under the license that governs the group viewing of this workshop, you may not share or distribute these links or password to any other person.  You may print a paper copy of the PowerPoint slides solely for your own use."
By purchasing a Group License, you agree to these terms.  Violation of Group License terms will result in cancellation of license and password without refund.
Institutional purchases:  Please contact the Coherence Psychology Institute by email for price information.



Please note:  For Continuing Education credit of 6 CEUs for USA licensees,
there is a fee of US$40 per person in addition to the webinar fee listed below.
Scroll down for full CE information.
After placing order, you will receive an email
with link to workshop and your unique login.

Email will arrive within 1 hour after placing order.
If it does not appear, please check your spam folder.
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Individual Viewing License (no time limit)

Individual Viewing License (no time limit), student discount
Group License A:  One private group of 4 or less (no time limit)
Group License B:  One private group of 5 to 10 (no time limit)
Group License C:  One private group of over 10 (no time limit)

Group License D:  One group of paid registrants,
    access for 2 weeks after webinar event.                 Up to 50:

    Producers of paid-registration, synchronous audience events initially
    purchase Group License D, covering events with up to 50 paid registrants.
    If final number of registrants exceeds 50, a further payment is due prior
    to the event date, calculated as a percentage of gross revenues as follows:

    •  40% for the next 50, to 100
    •  50% for the next 100, to 200
    •  67% for all above 200

Group License E:  One graduate course: fee negotiable, email CPI

X total number
to US$3000 maximum



To pay, email CPI
  To pay, email CPI

  To pay, email CPI


Continuing Education Credit Information
This workshop earns 6 CE credits or clock hours.  CE provider is R. Cassidy Seminars, recognized by the licensing boards listed here.  For any questions regarding CE, please contact R. Cassidy Seminars using the contact information here.

In order to receive CE Certification, you must view all videos in their entirety, then use the link provided within the course to submit to R. Cassidy Seminars a completed evaluation form, a fee of $40, and a completed CE quiz.  After passing the quiz, your CE certificate will then be available at

Workshop outline and timeline:  click here.

Learning objectives. By participating in this workshop, you will advance in your ability to:

•  List the steps of the empirically confirmed core process of memory
    reconsolidation that nullifies and "erases" an emotional learning.
•  Identify the specific features of experience that clients want changed (feelings,
    thoughts, behaviors, somatics, circumstances).
•  Apply experiential techniques to bring into clients' conscious awareness the non-
    conscious emotional learning (schema) generating unwanted patterns.
•  Distinguish the indicators of a symptom-generating schema as it emerges.
•  Deliver coherence empathy: empathy for how a symptom is emotionally necessary.
•  Classify the structure and components of a revealed schema.
•  Create experiences that integrate a retrieved schema into ongoing awareness.
•  Guide clients to find or create vivid knowledge that contradicts and disconfirms
    a retrieved schema.
•  Create a juxtaposition experience of both the symptom-necessitating schema
    and a contradictory knowledge.
•  Verify transformational change by eliciting and recognizing its distinctive markers.

This program is at introductory level:  No prior familiarity with Coherence Therapy is required, but the material is designed for therapists at all levels of experience.

Instructor in this workshop is a Certified Trainer of the Coherence Psychology Institute, LLC:  Bruce Ecker, LMFT.  For the bio of the instructor, click here.

Refunds.  Refund (minus $25 administrative fee) must be requested within 10 days of placing your order for the workshop.  Refunds cannot be made after 10 days.  To request refund, click here to send an email to the Coherence Psychology Institute with "request refund for online CT workshop" in the subject line.

For addressing grievances, please send an email to

There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.