Coherence Therapy

The art & science of lasting change

Understanding Memory Reconsolidation
for Enhanced EMDR Effectiveness


A 2-hour webinar by Bruce Ecker, LMFT
with PDF download of PowerPoint slides and full transcript
To purchase access to this streaming video, please scroll down.

EMDR video in this webinar courtesy of Dr. Philip Manfield.
For his free library of EMDR session videos, click here.


"An excellent webinar.  Several of the more experienced EMDR therapists who attended have told me it was the best we have ever done....The positive comments keep rolling in, more than we have ever had for a webinar."
--Graham Taylor, President, EMDR Association of Australia

The result of successful EMDR therapy is transformational change.  In this webinar, Bruce Ecker defines the observable, verifiable features of transformational therapeutic change and presents the well-established empirical evidence that the fundamental mechanism of such change is the brain's innate process of memory reconsolidation.

How EMDR in particular induces the memory reconsolidation process will be mapped out and shown in a video of an EMDR session.  Webinar viewers will understand how memory reconsolidation underlies, rather than challenges, the AIP model of how EMDR works.  That's why familiarity with the brain's reconsolidation requirements can guide EMDR practitioners to make target choices and craft cognitive interweaves that successfully produce transformational change with enhanced efficiency and consistency.


This video presentation may be licensed and viewed ONLY by:
(a) professional providers of mental health and psychological wellness services and
(b) graduate students in training for becoming such a professional provider.
By purchasing a license for access to this workshop, you confirm that you qualify under these terms.  Violation of these terms will result in cancellation of license and access password without refund.
Individual License:  You will receive an email with links and your unique password for viewing the streaming video, PowerPoint slide PDF handouts, and transcript.  Only you may use the password and view the video, handouts, and transcript.  You may print a paper copy of the slides and transcript solely for your own use. 
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By purchasing a Group License, you agree to these terms.  Violation of Group License terms will result in cancellation of license and password without refund.
Institutional purchases:  Please contact the Coherence Psychology Institute by email for price information.



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