Coherence Therapy

The art & science of lasting change

 When Is Insecure Attachment the Real Issue in Therapy?

Bruce Ecker, LMFT, interviewed by Rich Simon,
Editor of Psychotherapy Networker

Psychotherapist Bruce Ecker, LMFT paints a vivid picture of how therapists can determine whether attachment issues underlie a given client's problem patterns. He narrates two compelling case examples that show how the implicit "emotional learnings" driving a client's symptoms can be brought into explicit awareness through empathic, experiential methods, making the presence or absence of attachment material directly apparent in a non-theoretical and inherently accurate manner.

Viewers are briefed also on how such emotional learnings undergo dissolution through memory reconsolidation---the only process known to neuroscience that can eliminate an emotional learning.

What Bruce describes in this video is a sample of the Routledge book, Unlocking the Emotional Brain: Eliminating Symptoms at Their Roots Using Memory Reconsolidation by Bruce Ecker, Robin Ticic and Laurel Hulley. For more information about this book, click here.

This interview was part of a webcast series on the Networker website.

Bruce Ecker is co-director of the Coherence Psychology Institute.
He and Laurel Hulley are the originators of Coherence Therapy.



Download Chapter 1 of Unlocking the Emotional Brain as a free sample: Download»

Short video: Bruce Ecker gives overview of Unlocking the Emotional Brain: Go»
or you can listen to an audio interview of Bruce about the book: Go»

Short online article on memory reconsolidation and how it advances psycho- therapy integration: Go»

Bruce explains how memory reconsolidation gives therapists control of guiding deep, lasting change in this audio interview: Go»

Coherence Therapy has a methodology that carries out the brain's process of reconsolidation for profound change of ingrained emotional responses. Read more»

Free case examples of Coherence Therapy: Go»