Coherence Therapy

The art & science of lasting change

Upcoming Workshop


Nov 9-10, 2024   •   Saturday-Sunday

15th Annual Two-Day Intermediate Training


with  Sara K. Bridges, PhD  and  Bruce Ecker, MA, LMFT
Directors, Coherence Psychology Institute
and CPI certified trainers

Michał Jasiński PhD and Hannah Emery PhD

Are you seeking to advance your Coherence Therapy skills together with colleagues who share your commitment to doing deep, decisively effective work?  In this weekend intensive you will receive coaching tailored exactly to your individual learning curve.  Each day of the workshop begins with a live demonstration by one of the instructors.  Then, participants work in small groups in Zoom breakout rooms, doing real sessions on personal issues and taking turns as therapist, as trainers sit in to provide real-time coaching that meets you at your skill level.

Each practice session is followed by a debriefing of the experience that addresses any and all aspects of Coherence Therapy, before starting a new session.  It's an action learning intensive that will attune your left brain, right brain and subcortical brain for facilitating the natural process of memory reconsolidation that dissolves ingrained emotional patterns formed long ago.

In addition, experiencing Coherence Therapy as the client provides invaluable first-hand knowledge of the process.  Everything you learn in this workshop will be useful immediately in your own sessions on Monday. 

We will meet online again this year and use Zoom's breakout rooms for the small group practice sessions—into which the trainers will go to provide the close personal coaching that this workshop is well known for.

The Hidden Depths
of Procrastination

Videos of four cases of Coherence Therapy for procrastination (for full details, click here), regular price US$95.

Coherence Therapy for
Post-Traumatic Symptoms

This 75-minute presentation is Bruce Ecker's contribution to the 2022 Trauma Summit in Belfast, Northern Ireland, titled "Trauma Creates Emotional Learnings That Are Unlearned and Depotentiated Through Memory Reconsolidation" and illustrated by two cases of Coherence Therapy. (For further details, click here).  Regular price US$45.

Complete set of seven
CT Clinical Notes

For descriptions, click here.  Regular price US$74.
Prerequisites for participating in this workshop:

Participation is only for licensed therapists and counselors (or students in accredited graduate training programs) who are already familiar with the entire methodology of Coherence Therapy by (a) having at least several months experience using Coherence Therapy with clients and (b) having studied either the Coherence Therapy Practice Manual, or Unlocking the Emotional Brain, or Depth Oriented Brief Therapy.

PLEASE NOTE:  This is not an introductory workshop.
The quality of participants' learning experiences depends upon all participants being beyond an introductory level.  If you have any uncertainty about qualifying, please check by email with the Institute's director of training:

Technical preparedness: Zoom and Zoom skills
Use of Zoom on your online device is required, with familiarity in using some of Zoom's functions, including the self-mute button and switching between "gallery view" and "speaker view" (both obvious in the Zoom window).  Using ear buds with mic will nicely enhance your sense of being ensconced with the group and your ability to hear softened voices during therapy sessions.


Workshop times
7 AM to 1:30 PM California
10 AM to 4:30 PM New York City
15:00 to 21:30 London
16:00 to 22:30 Rome
1:00 AM to 7:30 AM (following day) Sydney

Tuition fees
Early bird: US$365 (until Oct 9)
Regular: US$395 (after Early Bird expires)
Group of 3 or more: US$345 per person
Student/Intern: US$245 (documentation required)
The number of participants is limited and this workshop usually fills within 24 hours, so registering very soon after registration opens may be necessary for attending this training.

A Certificate of Completion of this 10.5-hour training can be provided upon request, which might serve to meet USA state-level CE requirements.  If you do require CE credit, please check with your licensing board prior to this training as to whether a Certificate of Completion from the Coherence Psychology Institute will suffice.

FRIDAY, AUG. 9, 2024 at 12 PM US EASTERN (NYC).

Workshop presented by the Coherence Psychology Institute, LLC


Important Information
In order to receive a Certificate of Completion, you must attend all two days of this workshop and then send an email titled Certificate of Completion Nov 2024 to

Workshop timetables:  click here

Learning objectives. The training coaches will be aiming to advance in your ability to--
•  Identify the specific features of experience that clients want changed (feelings, thoughts, behaviors, somatics, circumstances)
•  Apply experiential techniques that bring into clients' conscious awareness the non-conscious emotional learning (schema) that underlies and maintains unwanted patterns
•  Distinguish the indicators of a symptom-generating schema as it emerges during a session
•  Apply coherence empathy: empathy for how a symptom is emotionally necessary to have
•  Classify the components of a revealed schema
•  Create experiences that integrate the retrieved schemas into ongoing awareness
•  Find a client's vivid knowledge that specifically contradicts and disconfirms a retrieved schema
•  Create an experience of the juxtaposition of the symptom-necessitating schema and the contradictory knowledge
•  Inspect for the markers of transformational change

This program is at intermediate level.  The experiential training component is tailored by the instructors to meet each participant's learning needs.

Instructors in this workshop are Certified Trainers of the Coherence Psychology Institute, LLC:  Sara K. Bridges, PhD, Bruce Ecker, LMFT, Hannah Emery, PhD, and Michał Jasiński, PhD.  For bios of the instructors, click here.

Cancellations and refunds.  Refund (minus $75 administrative fee) will be made when canceling prior to 7 days before the workshop.  No refund within 7 days of the workshop's first day.  To cancel, click here to send an email to the Coherence Psychology Institute.

If you have special needs, questions or concerns, please communicate them at least 30 days in advance by email to

For addressing grievances, please send an email to

There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.